Captain Jack Talk With Val Dodds

Val is a beautiful girl/girl performer who got her start in the industry when she was 18. She got into a bit of trouble but then made lemonade out of the lemons handed her and made a pretty nice career in the porn industry. It’s been a few years since I’ve talked to one of my favorite

Captain Jack: You took a little break from the industry, why are you coming back now?

Val Dodds: I took a break while pursuing other careers. I moved from Vegas to Denver, I do everything backwards because, normally, you move west the more you get into the industry. Now I’m getting back in. I just kind of missed it. I was still kind of in it but now I’m back to performing.

CJ: What did you miss most about it?

Val: That’s really tough. I just honestly missed all my friends, being close to everyone. When you’re kind of not in it, people are still working. When you are in it, you get to work with your friends. So when you’re not in it, they’re doing the same things and you usually hang out when you’re working.

CJ: When I saw you in Vegas in January, you said you were going to be a makeup artist. Are you still doing that?

Val: Right now, I’m taking a break from that also. I start school in April and I had some family stuff going on so I decided to take a break from all of that. I’m not saying ‘no’ to it; I’m just here in Denver helping family. Every year changes. When I first started in the industry, I didn’t even think my life would take me here. I didn’t think I’d be in Denver this year at all. Last summer, I was in San Diego…so I literally never know where I’m going to be! I just take things daily.

CJ: I have to tell you, at AVN 2 years ago, in January of ’18, all the talent lines up to get their badges and I was doing something on my phone. I just looked up, I didn’t even see your face, all I saw was your butt and I said to myself, ‘that’s Val!’ I had to wait until you turned around to make sure! Is that ass still growing? It’s just beautiful!

Val: (laughs) Thank you! I’m trying to work on it. When I really got into the gym, that’s one thing I definitely worked on. I tried to build the booty because, when I was younger, I had nothing there. It all came from working out.

CJ: For fans that are new to you, what scenes could you recommend where they can see you at your best?

Val: I just did one for Sweetheart Videos with Chloe Cherry. That was the first scene I did for them and I think it’s really cool. I haven’t seen it yet but I have no doubt in my mind, it’s going to be really cool. It’s with Adria Rae but I’m unsure what studio yet because she mentioned a couple different ones. If you follow my Twitter, as soon as I figure it out, I’ll put it on there.

CJ: Do you have any favorite performers or directors that you look shooting with?

Val: I am contracted with so I’m doing a lot of shows with Alena Croft. She was actually my first Brazzers scene ever. After that scene, we became best friends, not even just at work, everything, I love her. And Jayden Cole. As for directors, Mike Quasar is pretty great. He’s hilarious on set. And then Ricky Greenwood is great too. I hope to shoot for him again.

CJ: Are there any performers or directors you haven’t had a chance to work with yet that you would love to?

Val: I haven’t worked with Kendra Lust. For directors, I’m in talks with Jacky St. James. All of her movies are always pretty good. I think having her as a director would be great.

CJ: I’ve asked you this before and you’ve probably been asked a million times but are you ever going to do boy/girl?

Val: I’m so unsure. If I do boy/girl it probably wouldn’t be for a company, it’d be for my own site.

CJ: It’s always great to talk to you at the convention in Vegas, do you like meeting your fans at those events?

Val: A handful of girls get tired of it and don’t like going to the shows, I love meeting people. It’s so much better for me to meet you in person than just a Tweet coming in. I’m a talker so it’s way better in person. I love the interaction of being face to face with someone and meeting them.

CJ: If you were granted a lesbian showcase film, what four girls would you want to be in it with you?

Val: I’d definitely have Jayden in it. Alena Croft, Kendra Lust and Bridgette B.

CJ: Are you a fan of tribbing?

Val: Yes. I think it looks hot in a scene.

CJ: When you’re with a girl, do you like toys to be involved or do you just like it to be the two of you?

Val: The two of us mainly and then possible a Hitachi. I think that’s every girl’s favorite.

CJ: I’ve heard that in girl/girl scenes, it’s hard to get off because you have to open up and you have to let the camera see everything. Do you find it hard to get off during girl/girl scenes?

Val: It depends on who’s directing and what’s happening. If there’s a ton of different positions, then you’re not really getting into it, you’re focused more on the direction of what you’re doing. Or if there’s a lot of cutting, then you can’t really get into it. But then if it goes straight through, then it’s obviously easier.

CJ: Do you have any fantasies that you want to live out on-camera?

Val: I feel like I’ve done everything I want to do through camming and scenes and stuff. There isn’t anything I want to do. I feel in the 7 years, I’ve done it all.

CJ: What do you look for in a girl off-camera?

Val: I like tall girls, girls that take care of themselves. The pretty girls, not super butchy or anything.

CJ: What have you learned about yourself sexually since you joined the industry?

Val: When I first started that’s when I first even tried a toy. I hear all these other girls talk about having toys in high school. I never had any toys of my own before being in the industry. It was through camming and shooting videos that I had my first toy. I think a Hitachi is amazing. I feel bad for the girls that never use one of those.

CJ: How many Hitachis have you gone through?

Val: Oh my gosh. I would say I’ve gone through 5. I don’t even have one right now, I have to get a new one.

CJ: If you weren’t in porn, what do you think you’d be doing right now?

Val: Probably in makeup or something with animals. I have 6 animals so I’d be doing something in that field.

CJ: What kind of animals do you have?

Val: I have 2 dogs, 2 cats, a ferret and a bearded dragon.

CJ: Do you ever get recognized in public?

Val: Definitely in Nebraska. I got recognized recently at the airport in California. I always get someone looking at me and I don’t know if people know who I am or if they’re looking just to look.

CJ: Especially in Nebraska, are they nice to you or are they a little weird?

Val: It’s half-and-half. It’s where I went to high school and where I got arrested for public nudity and made the front page of the paper. Now when I go out, people will come up at the bar and talk to me and there are times when people are pointing at me from across the bar. I get both. I get people who love it and people who hate it.

CJ: What’s the kinkiest thing you’ve ever done off-camera?

Val: I just masturbated in a dressing room for the first time. I know a lot of girls have done that but I did it for the first time. A lady came up to me in the other dressing room and you can just hear that she was disgusted. I like public stuff like that. I think it’s funny.

CJ: How can the fans follow you on social media?

Val: On Twitter, I’m @ValDoddsXXX. I built my own website at I just got new t-shirts made and all my links will be on my website. Instagram is @ValDoddsX.

Kendra Massive

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