Lesbian Domination - Erotic Sex Stories

This story about margie who wants Lesbian Domination over her body

I was born into a prestigious naval family in Singapore near the close of the British Empire. My dear late father, wisely looking across the future horizon, declared that the Empire wouldn't last much longer and that it would be smart to make my life in the United States. Both he and my mother decided I would go to a finishing school for girls in New England to learn the ways of the upstart Americans. During my time there I learned sundry helpful things, including the manners, comportment and dress of a modern lady.

I also enjoyed the new freedoms and liberties the Americans were just then granting to women at the time. After graduation I took the steam train to New York City and I quickly found a job and began earning my own money. I rapidly climbed the ladder in the business world and became a rising player in my field as well as a radical pioneer for women's rights.

My life wasn't all work and no play though. Many nights after a long busy day I'd put on something gorgeous and go socializing at some of the most exclusive nightclubs in the city. I'd go by myself of course, in the modern way, unescorted by any male chaperon. I met a lot of marvelous people and had loads of fun. There was the very best music, dancing and drink every night and I couldn't get enough.  I also got to closely know many men (and women) on a very intimate nature.

Eventually I met Marjorie, the first real love of my life. We became acquainted at a invite-only dance club downtown, known for only letting in the very best people. The first time I saw Margie, as she was known to friends, I was completely smitten. She looked simply stunning with a beautiful, regal face, lovely curves and enchanting laugh. Our first dance was magical and I can remember it to this day, my gloved hands holding onto her silky dress as we glide across the dance floor together as if in dream.

Margie was also the first lover of mine that I opened up to about my most deeply held secret in life. I took her aside and carefully let her know that I was not a real lady, at least by the standards of the day. I tremendously feared her reaction to this admission of mine and braced for all manner of tumultuation. However, not only was she not angry with me when she learned my true nature, she was actually quite relieved. As unlikely as it was, she indicated that she too was just like me and also wasn't entirely as she appeared from the outside. My heart soared at the news and we both immediately accepted each other completely. We then embraced and shared a long kiss, holding each other for what seemed like ages. Later that night Margie took me to her home, a grande mansion in one of the finest neighborhoods in the city. Once inside her servants served us appetizers and mixed drinks in the sitting room before retiring for the evening, leaving us alone.

We were by then a little tipsy and soon found ourselves upstairs together in Margie's bedroom. Both of us began untying our corsets before helping each other slip out of our respective petticoats. Unclothed and greatly desiring each other, we laid down together in her bed before giving into our carnal passions and finally making sweet love for the first time. Our first night was hot and steamy and we exploded into each other several times before falling asleep peacefully in each other's arms just before dawn.

Margie and I were inseparable after that and became perhaps the most popular couple in our scene. I became known as Margie's `oriental girl', due to the Asian-inspired cocktail dresses I liked to wear and my upbringing in the far east. I was fine with that and we made no attempt to hide the reality of our relationship while out at night together. We were lovers and free and open about it. While a few were taken aback, most were progressive minded and thought it was just dandy. Looking back, this was the favorite and most rewarding period of my youth.
Despite our growing closeness at night, during the day Margie and I continued to live very separate lives. I was still pursuing my promising business career, accruing fortune and power in the world of high finance. I was aggressive and tenacious with rival firms and my investors were very happy with their annual profits.
Margie though came from very old French aristocracy and was independently wealthy. Occasionally she would arrive quite late to the club, quickly apologizing for her tardiness and saying only that she had been preoccupied with personal affairs. Beyond that she mentioned very little about herself and I respected her privacy too much to pry.

Our passionate love affair continued at night for several more wonderful years. There was a magical energy between us and I savored all the relaxing, carefree evenings I had in her welcoming arms. In the beginning we had a fairly equitable power dynamic, but over time I found myself yielding to Margie's demanding personality and she began taking increasing authority over our time together. Ultimately she became the undisputed boss in bed while I was content to be her obedient sensual play thing. Submission is simply splendid with the right person and I willingly gave myself over to her. She had earned my trust countless times and there was no one I had more assurance in.

Margie also had a dark side that, if truth be told, I simply adored. She had a need for absolute control and domination over my body, mind and soul and I gave it all to her, holding nothing back. She had a special dungeon room constructed in her city mansion just for us. She'd blindfold me and keep me down there for days on end. I'd be humiliated, beaten, shamed, teased, tortured - all out of love for me. I was simply delighted by the treatment I got and begged for more. Eventually our relationship developed enough to the point that Margie felt it was the right time to reveal another secret, one that was so shocking that even I was taken aback. She said she had been living for over 800 years and was no longer aging as people normally do. Long ago her family's lands near Paris were conquered by mighty warriors from the chilly lands of the far north. Margie fell in love with their great leader, an extraordinary man of strength, bravery and wisdom by all accounts. He gifted her his hidden powers on the night of their wedding, allowing her to become immortal like him so she would never die naturally of old age.

It was impossible for me to believe at first as her story went against modern understanding of the scientific world as well as the known basics of human anatomy. It made no sense in this new epoch of proper objective inquiry and logical reasoning I had been fostered in. I felt Margie was mocking me with her fantastical story and I could not apprehend her motivation for treating me such as she was. When she insisted in the truthfulness of her fable I declared her a horrible, wicked liar. She loudly accused me of having a distrustful nature and then I ran off into a foggy late night street crying uncontrollably.

Yet, despite my misgivings, a part of me knew Margie was being sincere from the very first moment she told me her tale. Her beautiful appearance hadn't changed even a bit since the day I first saw her. Her way of speaking was always unique and the way she conducted herself was very royal and dignified but also tinged with an ancient sadness. Her very presence always had an otherworldly, dreamlike quality to it which was very intoxicating and gave her a special transcendent charm. On some unconscious level I always knew who she really was from the moment I met her. I didn't see Margie for weeks after our fight. I wanted to put an end to our squabble, but when I went to all our usual hangouts she was nowhere to be found. Knocks on her door went unanswered except for hollow echoes down nearby alleyways. Not one of our mutual friends could tell me anything about her whereabouts. I was totally in the dark and dreaded the worst. I was heartbroken and fell into a heavy melancholy, believing I had lost Margie for good.

A few months later I was in a meeting in my office building trying to close a big deal with some clients. My secretary interrupted my presentation, saying he had received an urgent letter for me. I opened it and immediately ascertained it was penned by Margie. The script was too elaborate for anyone from the modern era. I quickly apologized to everyone present and dashed out to the street below. I ordered a doorman to fetch a carriage for me right away or be fired on the spot.
Once safely inside my ride I read Margie's remarkable letter repeatedly, pondering over each sentence dozens of times. She apologized for not informing me sooner about her real nature or unnature, as she called it. If I felt betrayed and wanted to end our long partnership, she completely understood and would bother me no more. She also said despite her dark soul being damned by the almighty himself, she still loved me, even more than life itself. All she could ever want in this world was to spend eternity with me.

My heart melted. I knew I wanted the same and would let nothing get in my way from having it. I would do anything to get Margie back in my life and decided to wholly accept whoever she really was. The past was meaningless, all that mattered now was the pure love we had for each other and the splendid future we would share together.The carriage arrived at her place just after sunset. The gaslight lamps had just been lit as I jumped down onto the cobblestone street and ran up to her door as fast as my leather boots would take me. I knocked rapidly on her doorknob and shouted that I had received her letter and wanted to speak about it right away. My heart sunk as there was no response and all was quiet. I shook with trepidation as I waited for several minutes at the door to see if my pleas would finally be answered.

I was just about to turn away and give up for the night when the door finally moved ajar. My spirit danced with joy as Margie appeared, just as I remembered her. My long gloominess instantly dissipated as I smiled warmly at her and fell into her waiting arms. I told her there was no reason whatsoever for her to apologize to me and there was nothing my heart wanted more than to spend the rest of my days with her. Margie said she was so pleased to hear my feelings on the matter. She said she'd explain everything in due time but had other things she wanted to do with me first. She gently took my hand in hers and led me to the master bedroom. The room had a rich, alluring fragrance and there was a single red rose on the black satin sheets which she handed to me. My love lit a single candle of considerable length, giving me great hope that she had a very long night planned for us. She then drifted around the edge of the room, methodically closing every  curtain to give us privacy before coming to sit next to me on the bed. I was wet with anticipation as she moved closer and put her left hand beneath my jaw to guide me to her lips. We tenderly kissed as she deliberately moved her free hand up and down my heavy wool suit, appreciating every little undulation in my figure.

Margie then abruptly rose and said it was time for me to repay her for all the trouble I had caused. I feigned surprise as she directed me to strip down to my nighties but obeyed as ordered nonetheless. She then had me lay across the bed with my legs spread apart on the floor. Once properly positioned she brought out some cotton strips from a nearby drawer and began tying me down so I'd have little room to maneuver in bed. She attached my arms to the headboard and tied my legs firmly to the footboard. My skin shivered as I surrendered and gave total control over to Margie, the promise of a satisfying night beginning to unfold. While moving in closer to position herself between my two legs, she steadily tapped my side several times with the palm of her right hand, a clear sign of her domination over me and subtly letting me know I was at her mercy. I was nervously aroused as she started to run the crisp fingernails of both her hands up and down the sensitive skin of my inner thighs and buttocks.
I could hear Margie starting to breath heavier and I was eager at what was sure to come next. She was dressed in an exquisite open-fronted silk nightgown that covered to a point just above her knees. She had obviously had enough foreplay though so it was no surprise when she untied her gown's belt, freeing her splendid cock loose as it sprung to erection. She was rock hard and I moaned as she pushed up against me from behind.

I wiggled as she pressed into me and I concentrated on remaining relaxed for her insertion. When I started squirming with pain, she pressed down firmly on my bare shoulders with her left palm and kindly but forcefully demanded I hush. I was delighted and put a nearby pillow in my mouth to bite down upon. Margie continued her rough strokes on my derriere and I started to murmur in rhythm with her penetrations. I let her know I wanted more of her in me, pleading that she must do as she must, but that I craved only her cock and it was the only thing I desired in this world or the next. Soon she was grunting like an enraged bull as she ravished my back hole with continuous motions of thrusting and withdrawal. I reached back with a hand I had unwittingly managed to set free from binding, hoping she would hold it. She grasped it softly and I felt so loved and cared for. I tingled with happiness as she slowly rubbed my hand with the tips of her fingers.

Her tenderness only lasted a moment as just like that she pulled on my hand and twisted my arm around my back. I cried out in sharp pain but she used her other hand to cover my mouth with my own blouse. I had trouble breathing but I could tell Margie was really enjoying herself now. I focused on meeting her thrust with my own, pushing my waist back into her while she had her way with me. Margie made one final drive into my anus before soaring to climax. She made a long excited moan as she pressed down into me, her cock erupting like a volcano of pleasure. Her spasms continued uncontrollably as a torrent of her creamy seed flowed deep within me. I tried to twist my head around to gaze into her lovely eyes as she came but she kept a harsh grip on my neck and I could only see the surface of the bed as she continued to convulse inside my most intimate areas. It was all the same for I knew Margie loved me dearly and I had the pools of the sticky juice she was filling up my innards with as best proof possible that one could be offered.

We spent almost the entire night making love like that. Sometimes Margie would take me from behind again while on others she would force me down to my knees and give me the joy of using my tongue, lips and mouth on her stiff erection and tender balls. Every time she came in me orally I was sure to keep her deep down in my throat me so I could take every drop of cum she shot out of her throbbing cock. Occasionally she would pause to grant me a sip of wine to quench my thirst and keep my stamina up but then she'd be right back at her vigorous exertions again.

Every second was bliss, for the both of us. Just before dawn Margie said she was done and that I could now pleasure myself if I'd like. I was very hard and began stroking my own cock rigorously while she lavished me with delightful kisses on my lips, neck and shoulders. I purred with contentment when I finally came all over myself while locking tongues with Margie and we held each other close for some time afterward.

Margie then commanded me to dress and once we were both ready she took me by hand just as she had at the beginning of the night. She led me into the study and sat next to me on the couch. The large grandfather clock adjacent to us chimed as it was 6 a.m. in the morning. Margie turned the center of her body to face me and then grasped my right hand between both of hers. She said she had an offer to make and that she didn't expect me to answer right away. She said that if she bite me in a certain way that was taught to her long ago, that I could be like her and live for eternity. I would never grow any older and that I could be her lover forever.

I gasped and told her that I didn't have to wait to give her my answer. There was nothing more that I had ever wanted. Our destinies were bound together and our fates sealed. Since I had first laid eyes on her I knew we were meant to be together. Margie then warned me that there were many changes I'd have to get used to. My senses would become considerably heightened and sometimes overwhelming.  I'd likely have to give up my career, as sunlight would become very painful and there would be no choice but to stay hidden indoors during the day. She also mentioned a newfound thirst for blood, but that she could teach me how to handle that urge effectively.

I pondered for a moment over the serious price I'd have to pay to join with Margie in her immortality. Giving up my business ambitions would be difficult, as would never being able to enjoy a sunny stroll outside again. Existing solely in the shadows of life would be a sorrowful experience much of the time and there would be no possible reprieve if I had regrets. Nonetheless, I knew I'd give it all up a million times over to be with my precious love forever. I told her that I wanted to go through with it and with my clear and unmistakable consent given, Margie's eyes suddenly went big and she leaned down toward my neck. Then I felt a very sharp pain and the deed was done.
My head went heavy and I suddenly felt a wave of sensations wash over me. All manners of sights, smells, taste, feelings and sounds overwhelmed my senses. My facilities were heightened like never before. I could see the smallest detail in fabric across the room and hear the tiniest creak from upstairs.

Yet despite all my new supernatural senses, I felt completely dead inside all the same. Something grave had happened to my soul and I knew I was no longer part of the divine order. I had willingly embraced the darkness for endless amorous pleasures on earth, but would now be banished forever from eternal life in the kingdom above. I had scorned his plan for me and gave not a single care that I had rejected him. The next several days were a blur as I fell in and out of consciousness. When I was awake I felt as in a state of bewitchment. I recall being naked on the couch and someone brutalizing my debauched body for hours at a time. It may have been Margie acting upon me, but it could have been the Devil Himself taking me too. It was hard to tell for certain in my clouded state of mind.

At other times I remember sitting at a long oak dining table, feasting on live rats, their warm, nourishing blood flowing down my throat. There were also tasty treats like rabbits and kittens to feast upon, which were especially tasty to my virgin bloodlust. As the sun rose I'd be taken to a basement area to escape the abuse of the sun and rest up for another night of depravity. Eventually my mind cleared up after I had adjusted to my new state of unnature. One of the first things I noticed is that rats and other small animals were no longer enough to satisfy my thirst. I told Margie that I desired a more substantial meal. She was understanding and let me know my cravings were normal and she had them too periodically. She promised to take me out later after sunset to show me where I could find more fulfilling fare.

Once night fell Margie brought me out to her carriage and we went to roam the wretched streets of blighted neighborhoods where the lowest order of mankind lived out their meager existence. She said to be on the lookout for drunkards, whores, beggars, petty thieves, cripples and other human refuge that would not be missed. She had taken thousands of them like this over the centuries and no one had ever paid any heed. Soon we found a few haggardly looking men warming themselves by an open fire. We opened the windows of our carriage and lured them inside with coquettish winks promising sexual promiscuity. Once we had them comfortable we put our fangs through their pathetic throats, instantly killing them. I felt a pinch of guilt at the act but Margie said with practice the sentiment would pass away completely and I'd come to understand that the sinful inhabitants of public squalor were deserving of nothing more than to make up our nightly sustenance.

I was euphoric after draining my first human prey of his blood. My skin went flush with pulsating, invigorating energy and I had never had felt so aroused. I was utterly giddy with expectation as we drove back to the mansion and I loudly ordered the driver to speed along with all possible haste. My voice was hoarse with lust and impatience as I continued to urge the driver along with impish confidence. Margie flashed a diabolical grin at me, her artful hand pampering my thigh as she nibbled gently on my earlobe. Her salacious whispers of desire drove me wild, moving me into a hot, excited fervor.

We made love like never before once we finally got back home and I knew rodents would never be enough again. I was hooked on the decadent pleasure only attainable through devouring the vitality of freshly procured humans. It was completely selfish but my own wanton desires came first now and I was absolutely unashamed of my grisly hunger. Margie said we couldn't kill every night, but she would indulge me as much as possible as long as I behaved myself. Many years passed as we enjoyed getting to live our life bond together as one. Her conquest of me was now complete, I had given away even my god-given soul just to be with her. I was now a damnable creature of the shadow but I cared naught. We continued to go to the nightclubs together as before and make many new friends as old ones faded away. While the sands of time had stopped for us, for the living they still ceaselessly continued and no pause in their flow would ever be granted.

Unfortunately, all things must end, even for the unnatural and immortal. The times grew darker and the population was in an uproar. A great religious revival was underway and the hunt was on for all manners of demons and witches. We tried to be careful with our murders, always taking only the most despised members of society, but eventually our luck ran out.
One cold winter night while we were out searching for human quarry, we became cornered by an angry mob. We attempted all manners of evasion, scampering through dark, twisting alleys, crawling through filthiest sewers and slithering between gaps in dilapidated, long-abandoned houses. All methods of finding a way out were to no avail as the enraged crowd continued to grow and as they closed in on us the fiery light from their torches lit up all avenues of escape. There were no more shadows for us to hide in.

Suddenly Margie stopped and looked at me with the most forlorn expression I'd ever seen from her. I told her I was petrified but she told me to remain calm and keep my head. She had long planned for just such an occasion and would take care of the situation. I was to run in the opposite direction of her and get back home as quickly as I could possibly manage. There I should remain hidden until it seemed safe enough to come out once again.
I stood still before her, unsure of what she was going to do next. The frozen air lingered between us and I began to feel desolate and hopeless. A smothering dread fell upon me as I realized we were finally trapped and there looked to be no way out. She gave me a reassuring smile and told me she loved me, always and forever. We shared one last kiss, her delectable lips brushing up against my own for a moment before she bolted away toward the mob with uncanny speed and dexterity. My feet were like granite boulders until I heard her strict voice in my head compelling me to flee immediately.

Off I went, scurrying away with no further delay and deftly finding safe passage through the disorder and mayhem. The mob seemed to focus on the location where Margie had dashed so bravely into. I heard indiscernible screaming and howls of pain in the distance as I ran. I managed to reach home a few hours later and locked down all entrances into the grounds. My nerves were a wreck and I knew nothing of Margie's fate. Nights passed and Margie had yet to return to me. I feared the worst and decided the turmoil on the streets had quieted down enough that I could venture going out once more. I disguised myself as a simple street woman and made my way to where I had last seen Margie. There I found a crowd had still remained, but it was much more jubilant and good-humored than when I had left it nights before. I also found that Margie was still here too. She lay in a partially upright open coffin, eyes closed shut with her hands folded neatly across her abdomen. A placard below here labeled her a vampire that had murdered several men during her last night on earth before succumbing to numerous attacks and being sent to burn eternally in the pit fires of hell, final payment for a lifetime of vile sin. She had taken a thick wooden stake directly through her heart and there was no doubt she was gone.

My Margie had left me. A great bleakness suddenly entered me, the emptiness rocking my accursed soul like a heavy gust during a terrible thunderstorm. I had never been so alone. I looked over all the common folk dancing and carrying on with mirth and laughter around my love. It was all a big celebration to them. I felt nothing but contempt for these rotten fleshy beings and wished to take an awesome revenge upon them, right then and there. I knew better to act upon my rage though as they had such an advantage in numbers. Perhaps it might have been more honorable to just use the crowd to end myself, since I felt I had nothing left to go on for. However I decided against it out of pure cowardice and slinked off into the frigid night, leaving Margie alone to be despoiled by the crowd of trash that had taken her from me.

I closed myself off in the hidden depths located far below Margie's mansion for many weeks after that. I spiraled into ever bleaker blackness and despondency, barely having the will to continue on. I only survived by gnawing on what pitiful creatures I could find while crawling around aimlessly in my dark despair. Ghastly nightmares continually tormented my sleep and I could find little respite from my ordeals.Eventually I began to recover my wits and get a hold of myself. I remembered Margie had left an envelope for me to open if she had ever gone missing for an extended period of time. I found the large felt envelope in her desk and used a small knife to break the beeswax seal on it before emptying out the contents in front of me. Present were all manners of land deeds, stock certificates, affidavits of ownership, precious coins and other accouterments of wealth. Margie was even more well-to-do than I had thought.

There was also a letter addressed to me where Margie apologized for leaving me so suddenly and offered her hope that I would find the strength to go on without her. She professed her undying love for me and directed me to take whatever I needed from her vast estate holdings. She advised me to leave as soon as possible, move far away and take on a completely new identity. She had to do this several times herself through her many years and claimed it a necessary part of survival for forsaken souls like us. I shed a few bitter tears upon reading Margie's final note to me. I knew she was right though and that I must follow her instructions to make a new life for myself. I went to work arranging my affairs and packing up my most precious possessions, including several portraits Margie had made of herself through the centuries. She looked almost exactly the same in each one and it was amazing how her beauty always shined through across many different art styles.
Near the end of the process of preparing my transition to a new life I began to reassess my situation and decided it was best to get rid of anything that would remind me of Margie. I know it was cold of me to do, but my heart was now made out of the blackest ice and I had little left in regard to my old human warmth. So I put her out of mind. It was easier than I thought it would be. I was going to find happiness again in this world and I'm sure she would have understood.

I finalized my plans and decided to leave everything of Margie, including her priceless portraits, in her home. To make sure matters were closed out properly, I arranged with some local lowlife scum to have her mansion burn down accidentally after I was gone. I never wanted another soul to make use of the rooms and possessions we shared together as lovers. Everything concerning Margie and our life together would be erased from the earth and it would be as if she never existed.

Finally I saw my belongings sent off to the dock for transport to my next location and said one last goodbye to my home of many memorable years. It was difficult to leave my old life behind but I realized it was time to make an irrevocable break with the past. Margie was no longer with me, she was rotting in hell, her soul in everlasting torment. I no longer had any use for memories of her or our life together so I was glad to be rid of them.
I had a ticket for my own voyage and made my way to my private cabin aboard a departing passenger ship. I won't disclose the particulars of my destination, but I can state that my vessel was westward bound. The trip was uneventful except for a few ship hands that went missing in the night, presumingly meeting their tragic end by falling overboard during rough storms we encountered along the way. I'm sure they were easily replaced.

Eventually the ship made port and let everyone out at the location of my new home, which I still make my lair to this very day. Little has changed little since my first arrival, besides a troubling uptick in missing persons reports in the sketchy parts of town. Politicians have promised to find out what is happening for a long time now, but they are even more inept than the local police force and neither have gotten anywhere close to discovering the real cause of the disappearances.

As for myself, I quickly settled in after unpacking and began sampling the nightlife once more. I've taken on many outstanding lovers through the last several decades, but none have come even close to being deserving of my bite. While I am disappointed that my hunt for a partner worthy enough to join me in the shadows has been in vain so far, I am very patient and know that time is forever on my side.

Ruchika Siwach

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