Morning Exercise Sex Story

The morning sun was already streaming strongly through the bedroom window when Melissa opened her eyes. It took her a moment or two to gather her wits and realize where she was. Her right arm felt numb and her bladder was insisting on some attention. As she glanced to her right, she saw he

She reached out and gently caressed the side of Stephanie's cheek. Melissa's heart was full of such love for her friend – though she understood that after last night, they were oh, so much more than friends now. Lovers. Melissa tried the word on. They were lovers now. It didn't sound awful. In fact, it sounded very special, very secret, and very sexy. The memory of the way they'd touched and kissed, the way they'd egged each other on to outrageously tease first Stephanie's brother and then her father, and the way they'd shared their deepest, most guarded fantasies – all those memories filled Melissa's mind and reawakened her slumbering lust. She felt the familiar twinges from her cunt as she relived the most erotic, lascivious day she'd ever experienced, and her fingers automatically found their way into her already-dripping cunt.

The nearly overwhelming pressure to urinate provided an unexpectedly piquant edge to her arousal, and she found herself wishing she dared to piss right there in the bed while she frigged herself. In fact, the thought aroused her even more and only the fear of the trouble it would get Stephanie in prevented her from acting on the impulse.

Melissa could no longer stand the aching numbness in her arm where her friend's head was pressing it into the mattress and was forced to work it free. The disturbance woke Stephanie, who blinked blearily at her before offering her a wan smile.

"What time is it?" Stephanie croaked. "It can't be time to get up yet."

Melissa turned over to look at the clock on the nightstand. "It's just after 8:00," she whispered. "You don't have to get up yet. But I've got to go to the bathroom."

Stephanie yawned and stretched, exposing her small breast mounds above the covers, then gave Melissa a shy smile. "I'll go with you," she murmured.

"Okay," Melissa agreed softly, her heart beginning to beat faster with anticipation and arousal.

The two twelve-year-old girls struggled out of the bed and rummaged around on the floor for the nightclothes they had quickly discarded in their erotic passion of the evening before. Melissa pulled on the skimpy green camisole that was the only nightgown her mother had provided and marveled all over again at that. She caught her reflection in the mirror and realized that the garment was indeed so short that the entire lower half of her ass cheeks peeked out from under the silky hem, and any attempt to raise her arms above her waist immediately exposed the curly red hair of her pussy as well. She couldn't believe she had actually worn that into Mr. Muller's bedroom the night before. She clung to the slim hope that either Mr. Muller had been so distracted by his daughter's state of undress to notice (a strong possibility), or that she was somehow taller in the morning and had not actually looked so wanton at the time.

But Melissa didn't feel like trying to struggle into the skirt and blouse she'd worn to the dance though, so she gingerly stepped out into the hallway in her revealing nightie, nervously hoping she would not encounter either Brad or his father. Stephanie trailed along behind, but not before giving a playful caress to Melissa's bare bottom to let her know she had seen and appreciated the view. Melissa tried to glare at her friend but spoiled the effort when she burst out giggling. They continued giggling softly as they quickly walked to the upstairs bathroom.

"Not locking it?" Melissa asked with raised eyebrows, gesturing to the bathroom door that Stephanie had pulled closed.

"I never do," shrugged her friend nonchalantly. "Nobody in the family does. I figure if anyone else is so desperate to see me on the toilet, then what's the point of making him break down the door? At least I closed it," she added dryly. "Lately Brad's been leaving it open a crack when he pees. I think he's been daring me to take a look."

"And do you?" asked Melissa, intrigued.

"Of course!" laughed the black-haired girl. "Every chance I get. I told you he's even paraded around a couple of times in the hallway without a stitch on, so why not? And sometimes I `accidentally' leave my door open a bit when I'm dressing, just to tease him – I told you that, remember?"

Melissa nodded and laughed, but also wondered if she dared to try something like that with Keith. Somehow, after the way they'd carried on with each other the previous afternoon, it seemed to her that merely coquettishly letting him catch a glimpse of her undressing was kind of pointless.

Melissa could no longer ignore the desperate demands her bladder was making on her and sat down quickly on the toilet without even offering to let her friend go first.

"I'm sorry, Steph," she apologized as the hot stream of urine poured noisily into the bowl from the cleft in her cunt, providing sweet relief, "But I really had to go."

"It's okay," Stephanie smiled with a meaningful glance down Melissa's exposed cleavage. "The view's nice."

Melissa blushed, but daringly popped one of her soft, full breasts out of the plunging neckline and began to caress it seductively, gazing at her friend from under lowered lashes.

"Oh, yeah," breathed Stephanie, grinning broadly, her nostrils flaring. She quickly undid the sash of her robe and slipped it off her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor and standing nude before Melissa.

Melissa smiled back then wiped her cunt delicately. She stood up in front of the toilet and, standing very close to Stephanie, pulled her camisole off over her head. She bent down and gave her shorter friend a very soft, very wet kiss on the mouth, during which Stephanie hesitantly began to stroke Melissa's large, firm breast.

Breathing heavily as her arousal flared into renewed life, Melissa reluctantly pulled her lips away from her friend's, stepped aside, and said simply, "Your turn."

With a sidelong glance, Stephanie took her place seated on the commode. She gazed up at the redheaded girl and said, in a shaky voice, "Thank you."

"For what?" asked Melissa, her eyes twinkling.

"For not freaking out. For still treating me the same way this morning as you did last night. For being my friend and my lover." There were tears beginning to glisten in the dark-haired girl's eyes.

Melissa found a lump had unaccountably formed in her throat and her heart was filled with such love for Stephanie that she couldn't move for a moment. She could only stare at the smooth, olive skin of her slender body, the way her black hair cascaded over her shoulders and back, the small but firm nubs of her just-developing breasts, and finally, the dark, thick hair nestled between Stephanie's thin thighs. Overcome with tenderness, Melissa sank to her knees and wrapped her arms around her friend as she sat on the toilet, hugging her fiercely.

"Did you really think I'd change my mind?" Melissa whispered in Stephanie's ear as she pelted her friend's cheek and hair with kisses.

Stephanie took Melissa's head in her hands and stared deeply and intently into her eyes. "I hoped not. But it's all so new, and, well, a lot of people would freak out about the whole thing."

Without another word, she parted her lips invitingly and pulled Melissa's face into her own in a kiss that began tenderly but quickly grew steamy as the two young girls' tongues flickered in and out of each other's mouth, entwining and wrestling with erotic eagerness. Their fingers caressed each other, roaming first over their backs and flanks, and then moving around to cup breasts and tease nipples into an erection. Their breathing quickly deepened, and moans began to escape from their throats, muffled by their plunging tongues.

Stephanie pulled away from the kiss finally and asked, in a voice thickened with lust, "Would you like to feel me pee?" Her eyes glittered as Melissa gave a breathless nod.

The dark-haired girl took Melissa's hand from where it rested on her small breast and guided it down over her abdomen and into her pussy. Melissa could feel the moisture from the thick quim already oozing liberally out of Stephanie's cunt hole and smiled in anticipation at her friend.

Stephanie gave a small frown of concentration, then relaxed as the first drops of warm, pungent liquid began to emerge and drop onto Melissa's waiting fingers. Melissa caught her breath in pleasure as a rush of erotic tingles ran through her in response to the fulfillment of her fantasy. As the stream of piss strengthened, Melissa began to slide her fingers in and out of the slit between Stephanie's swollen cunt lips, spreading the wetness over the entire vulva, drenching the thick, black pubic hair and working the slick mixture of urine and cunt juice all the way back to her asshole, probing teasingly inside the puckered rosette each time and eliciting excited gasps from her friend.

The piss from Stephanie's cunt subsided to a dribble then ceased altogether, but Melissa did not pause her obscene ministrations between her friend's legs. Instead, she continued sliding her fingers back and forth through the length of Stephanie's crotch, tweaking the stiffening clit, plunging one, sometimes two fingers deeply up inside the slippery cunt hole, and moving on to thrust a finger up her ass before returning and starting the process over again. Stephanie gave her kneeling lover a helpless grin, then closed her eyes and leaned back against the toilet tank, bracing herself with her hands against the rear of the seat, and spreading her slender thighs apart widely to allow Melissa unfettered access to all her sex.

"Ohhhhh, my God!" Stephanie kept moaning repeatedly. Melissa was delighted to see her efforts succeeding; her friend was obviously getting extremely turned on, because her small nipples had hardened until they resembled pencil erasers, her breathing had shortened to ragged gasps, her fingers were gripping the toilet seat so tightly that the knuckles were whitening, and she had begun to involuntarily roll her pelvis and arch her back with pleasure with each new lewd touch or penetration.

"You like?" teased Melissa softly.

Stephanie's eyes flew wide open to look at Melissa, and for a moment, she could only nod as she gasped and moaned. Finally, she said in a voice thick and cracking with lust, "You – hunngggghhhh! You know I do, you bitch! Ohhhhh, fuck! I can't believe – haaarrrrggghhh! I can't believe what a slut you make me! Oh, God! Yes! Just like that!" as Melissa began to buzz her thumb rapidly over Stephanie's now-protruding clit while plunging two fingers all the way into the top of her young friend's slick vagina, the urine-drenched flesh making obscenely wet slapping sounds.

Melissa was becoming considerably aroused herself from the excitement she was producing in Stephanie. As her friend once again lay her head back with closed eyes, moaning continuously, Melissa leaned in and sucked one of Stephanie's small but very hard nipples in between her lips, biting down on it teasingly. Stephanie instantly gasped and threw her arms around Melissa's neck, pulling her face even more tightly into her tiny breast. Melissa could tell that her classmate was nearly ready to come, so she drove her fingers deeply into Stephanie's tight, slippery cunt hole and held them in while sensuously wriggling them inside the warm, wet cavity. At the same time, she began to gnaw on her friend's engorged nipple in earnest, biting as hard as she dared.

With a sharp cry, Stephanie immediately began bucking and thrashing violently, the lid of the toilet tank clanking noisily behind her as she began the throes of her climax. Melissa realized that they were making so much noise that they were likely to waken the entire household, but there was little she could do about it at that point. And besides, she was far too turned on by the situation to care very much either. She bore down with her teeth onto Stephanie's tortured nipple, eliciting a scream of pain and ecstasy from her friend's lips, while continuing to diddle the turgid clit between Stephanie's urine-soaked pussy lips.

"Oh, God! Oh God oh God oh God ohGodohGodohGodohGod..." shrieked Stephanie, writhing spasmodically as she clung desperately to Melissa's neck.

Melissa finally relented and held her thumb still, pressed against Stephanie's clitoris. She could feel each new throb of orgasm pulse through the swollen organ, accompanied by rhythmic constrictions around her fingers buried deeply into Stephanie's virgin pussy hole. Melissa slowly relaxed her bite on her friend's tiny nipple, flicking the tip of it gently with her tongue as Stephanie rode the waves of her orgasm gradually back down to earth. The smaller girl groaned and gasped for breath as she surrendered to the consuming fire coursing through her young body.

As her climactic pulsations finally tapered away completely, Stephanie grabbed Melissa's face in her hands and plunged her tongue passionately into the larger girl's mouth, twisting her lips this way and that as she ground herself into Melissa. Melissa responded with equal ardor and greedily sucked her twelve-year-old lover's tongue as if it were a sweet Popsicle.

Finally, Stephanie pulled away and began kissing Melissa's cheek and neck, whispering, "Thank you. Thank you, my beautiful lover."

Melissa kissed her dark-haired friend's lips tenderly before gently suggesting, "Maybe we'd better get out of here before someone sends in a rescue squad."

Stephanie's lips formed a surprised `O'. "Was I loud?" she asked sheepishly.

"Uh, yeah. You might say that "Melissa dryly answered. "I sure as hell didn't mind – I love to make you come and I don't care how loud you are – but your dad might be worried."

Blushing fiercely at the mention of her father, Stephanie arose without even pausing to wipe her piss-drenched cunt, picking her robe off the floor where she had dropped it and throwing it quickly around her shoulders. She stepped to the door and pulled it open with Melissa following closely behind after swiftly pulling her camisole back over her head.

Stephanie gave a startled squeak.

Mr. Muller was standing right outside the door with an expression that was equal parts fatherly concern and raw male lust. He was wearing nothing but a pair of boxer shorts that were pitifully unequal to the task of concealing his monstrous erection. Both seventh-grade girls were unable to keep their eyes from traveling down the older man's torso to the impossibly large bulge between his legs, a bulge which was, even as they watched, straining against the elastic waistband, and threatening to pop completely out.

"Dad!" blurted Stephanie, "You scared me!"

Her father's eyes glittered with knowing amusement, but his voice betrayed his relief that his daughter was apparently unharmed. "Well, sweetie, you scared me, the kind of noise you were making in there. Are you all right?"

Stephanie blushed even harder but stood her ground, determined to try to bluff her way out of the situation. "Never better," she said with a demure smile. "I'm sorry if we disturbed you; we're going back to bed for a couple more hours, okay?"

Mr. Muller's eyes ran involuntarily down the length of his daughter's slender body, which she had not bothered to conceal by pulling the open edges of her robe closed. He gulped visibly as he took in the sight of her flushed and sweating skin, the developing soft mounds on her chest, and down to the glistening black hair of her drenched pussy. To both young girl's amazement, the head of the man's enormous cock slowly pushed its way clear of the waistband of his shorts unaided, emerging as the head of some fleshy, purple turtle from its shell.

The man noticed the girls' gaze then looked completely flustered when he followed the line of their eyes down to the throbbing bulbous cock head indecently and proudly exposed at his waist. He swallowed hard and seemed unable to speak.

Seizing the moment, his daughter stepped close to him, stretched up on tiptoe to give him a short but very wet kiss on his lips, whispering, "Good morning, Dad. We'll see you later on."

To Melissa's astonishment, she watched her friend's fingers lightly graze the exposed head of her father's prick as she kissed him, causing the lewd member to twitch eagerly.

Not daring to wait for a reaction, Stephanie turned quickly and strode determinedly back to her room. Melissa gave the older man a wan smile, then followed, leaving Mr. Muller standing in the hallway outside the bathroom door looking like he had just been trampled by something. She pulled the bedroom door quickly behind her and leaped onto the bed beside her thin friend, who had buried her face in her pillow to muffle her uncontrollable giggles. Within seconds, she was giggling alongside, turning her face into Stephanie's, their heads together on the same pillow.

Finally, Melissa spluttered, "I couldn't believe how cool you were with your dad. I thought for sure we were gonna' be in hecka' trouble."

Stephanie shrugged. "I didn't really know what I was doing. I just knew that if he had a minute to think about anything, we would have been – in trouble, I mean - so I didn't want to give him a chance to think. `Course he looked a little confused, to begin with."

"I know!" Melissa responded in a loud whisper. "That look he had on his face. I didn't know if he wanted to whip you or fuck you. I think `fuck' won," she added with another giggle. "Did you see his dick? My God! And you had the nerve to touch it!"

Stephanie gulped, "Oh, you saw that, did you?" She shrugged sheepishly. "Well, I had to do something to keep him from thinking too clearly about what we'd been doing in the bathroom."

Melissa gave her friend a penetrating look. "Uh, huh. And you don't think that standing there with your robe totally open was doing that already?"

Stephanie had the grace to blush. "Okay, so maybe I was just making sure."

"And maybe you just wanted to touch his cock again."

"Maybe," admitted Stephanie defiantly, "So what?"

"So nothing. I'm just saying," she said in a conciliatory tone. "I still can't believe how big your dad is! I never – I mean, I had no idea a guy's thing could get that big."

"I told you," Stephanie grinned mischievously. Her face grew serious. "I keep wondering how it's ever going to fit inside me. I mean, don't get me wrong – I still want him to do it, you know, to fuck me. But every time I see it, I get so scared. I know it's supposed to hurt the first time and everything, but..." her voice trailed off with a worried edge.

Melissa shook her head and said gently, "Steph. Look at this." She held up her hand with her three fingers held closely together. "I told you last night I put three fingers inside you. This is what I've been shoving up into you. And your dad, thick as he is, isn't any bigger around than that."

Stephanie looked at her friend's upraised fingers with appalled fascination. "Really? That fits inside me?"

"When you're good and hot, yeah," nodded Melissa with a wicked grin. "Do you think you could manage to make sure you get good and hot before you fuck your dad?"

"It's getting me horny right now, just thinking about it," Stephanie said in a throaty voice. "Do you – I mean, would you mind, putting your fingers in me right now, and tell me how many you've got in, just so I know?"

"God, Steph, you are a horny little bitch, aren't you?" Melissa laughed as she snuggled close to her young, slender friend and slowly parted Stephanie's robe, completely exposing her thin, prepubescent body. She slid her fingers teasingly into Stephanie's pungent, dripping cunt. "You already came so hard a minute ago you woke everyone in the house up this morning and now you're hot to trot again! And to think that just yesterday, you couldn't even stand to come more than once in a row!"

"It's your fault!" protested Stephanie with a sigh of pleasure as her plump young lover's finger found its mark and began to softly slide in and out of the slippery cunt hole. "You're the one who showed me how. Besides," she added as her breathing began to quicken in response to the lewd attentions Melissa was bestowing on her twelve-year-old pussy, "It's when I get around you, you make me get so crazy that I just want to try sex with you and everyone else all the time! Oh, God, that feels so nice. How many fingers is that?"

"Just one," smiled Melissa. She pulled the finger out to show her friend, and then experimentally licked it, causing Stephanie's eyes to widen. "Not bad," she commented with a secret smile for her young lover. "The pee gives it an interesting flavor. I kind of like it."

"Help yourself," Stephanie invited, her voice smoky with rapidly mounting lust.

Melissa grinned, then licked the next finger up and down as well. "Ready for two?" she queried, holding two fingers up together.

"Oh, yeah," breathed her dark-haired friend, arching her back and raising her hips eagerly to ease Melissa's reentry into her pussy hole.

Melissa slid both fingers in so easily it was laughable. She pushed firmly until the fingers were buried past the final knuckle, wiggling the fingers as she did so. "That's two," she said softly in her friend's ear. "How's that feel?"

"Oh, Mel, it feels great!" Stephanie moaned. Melissa slowly slid the two fingers in and out, wriggling them against each other as she did. "Holy shit!" gasped Stephanie. "What are you doing now?"

The plump, red-haired girl explained.

"Show me," commanded Stephanie. "Show me what you're doing so I can do it to you, too. You won't believe how great that feels."

Melissa pulled her fingers out and wriggled them in front of her young lesbian lover's face, demonstrating.

"Cool," whispered Stephanie.

Melissa held her friend's eyes with an intense gaze, then slowly, smolderingly licked the piss-tainted quim from her fingers, pointedly including a third finger in her tongue bath. "Ready?" she asked Stephanie, her eyes glittering. Melissa was getting incredibly turned on from this slow lovemaking with her friend.

"Yeah – but- go slow, okay?" Stephanie said, only a slight quaver in her voice betraying her nervousness.

Melissa just raised an eyebrow noncommittally, causing the thin girl to giggle a bit nervously, before slowly, so slowly beginning to push the three clustered fingers up into her dark-haired lover's sopping cunt hole.

"Ohhhh, my God!" Stephanie moaned. "Oh, my God! Wait – wait just a second. Okay, I'm okay. I think. Keep going."

By now Melissa had reached the knob of the second knuckle and could feel the opening of her friend's vagina stretched tightly around the mass of fingers. She remembered that the two times before when she'd had that many fingers inside Stephanie, she'd also been distracting her by diddling her friend's clit, so she began to slowly circle the firm, fleshy protrusion with her thumb.

Stephanie immediately began to squirm with pleasure, and Melissa found that, simply by keeping steady inwards pressure with her hand, Stephanie was effectively working the fingers more deeply into her cunt all by herself.

"Oh, Mel! It hurts, it really hurts, I can tell it does! But, shit! It feels so good, too. Huunnnnggggh! Oh, fuck, Mel! I think you're going to make me come again! Are they all the way in?"

Melissa gave one final thrust, impaling her friend's twelve-year-old cunt hole down past the last knuckle of the middle finger, grunting softly with the effort, "They are now!" She stepped up the speed of her thumb sliding back and forth over Stephanie's swollen clit, while continuing to hold her three fingers deep inside her friend's distended cunt hole.

With a sharp cry, Stephanie began to thrash violently as the climax began to sweep through her slender, twelve-year-old body.

"That's right, Steph," encouraged Melissa eagerly, "Come for me! Come all over my hand! It's just like your dad's great big cock inside you! You like coming with your dad's cock in you, don't you? Tell me, Steph! Tell me how much you want your dad's cock in you!"

Stephanie threw her arms around Melissa and pulled her close, moaning as she convulsed, "Ohhhhh, God! Yes! Yes! I want Daddy's big cock in me! Haaagggggghhhhh! Oh shit! Oh, God damn! Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck! Fuck me, Daddy! Fuck me with your big hard prick! Make me comemmmmmmmm...!" Her voice grew higher and higher, ending with a strangled squeak as her face screwed up tightly in the throes of a massive orgasm.

Melissa could feel each throbbing pulse of her young friend's climax as her vaginal sphincter tightened rhythmically around her tightly wedged fingers, and she continued to tweak Stephanie's engorged clit periodically while she came, causing her friend to gasp and shudder each time.

"N-no more! Ohhhh! Shit! No more! Huuuunggghhh! P-please stop! Ple-Oh, shit! Mel! I can't – Huuunnngghh! I can't breathe!" begged Stephanie as spasm after spasm wracked her body from Melissa's obscene manipulation of her clitoris, prolonging her climax unbearably.

Giggling softly, Melissa finally relented, slowly withdrawing her fingers from Stephanie's now-gaping pussy hole, leaving her friend to pant rapidly with relief, her eyes closed, and a soft smile on her lips.

Suddenly, Melissa heard a noise from outside the bedroom door. It sounded like a sharp exhalation of breath. It only occurred once, but she thought she could make out the sound of soft footsteps retreating down the hallway towards Mr. Muller's bedroom. Melissa gave a wide-eyed glance at Stephanie, but her friend was clearly far too close to unconsciousness to even notice. With a silent shrug Melissa heaved herself out of bed, tiptoed quickly to the door, and inched it open.

There was no sign of anyone in the hallway. But there, on the carpet just outside the door, was a fresh, quite large gobbet of pale, sticky semen.

Shaking her head in disbelief, she squatted and collected the gray, viscous cream on her fingers. As she was about to stand back up and return to bed, she suddenly froze. Mr. Muller's door was open just a crack, and she imagined she could see eyes watching her from the darkness inside his room.

Great, she thought, feeling her cheeks blazing with embarrassment. But with a grimace, she realized there was little she could do about it now. She briefly considered wiping the gooey mess on her fingers back onto the carpet, but finally decided that it would make little difference. If Stephanie's father had already seen her intentionally gathering up his jism from the floor, he would know that she was interested in it – putting it back wouldn't change a thing. Besides, she rationalized with a faint smile, maybe he hadn't really seen her, and she knew her incestuous young friend would want the opportunity to taste her father's come once again. The thought made her virgin cunt begin to ooze obscenely, and she quietly pulled the door closed – making sure it was latched tightly – and rejoined Stephanie on the bed, carefully holding her jism-coated fingers above her as she did so as not to drip any.

Stephanie opened her eyes to look at Melissa with a dreamy smile and asked, "What were you doing? I wanted you to lay here with me..."

"Your dad left you another present," Melissa answered, waiting to see her friend's reaction.

"What do you mean?" Stephanie asked, confused. "My dad? Is he here?" Her eyes widened as if she expected to see him there in the room.

"No, you ditz!" laughed Melissa. "God! You must have come really good, `cause you're completely out of it now. Look," and she held her semen-coated fingers in front of her dark-haired friend's face. "While you were getting off like crazy in here thinking about him, it looks like he was doing the same outside the door again, thinking about you!"

It finally began to register with Stephanie. "No!" she blurted. "You're kidding! Again?" Her cheeks began to redden noticeably. "Oh, shit!" she moaned, "He heard me yelling about fucking him? And everything..." her voice trailed off as she considered the implications.

"Seems like a good bet," giggled Melissa, "But I don't know what you're worried about. It looks like he was totally turned on by what he was hearing!" and she waggled her gooey fingers under her friend's nose. "'Sides," she continued with an evil grin, "You don't have anything to be embarrassed about compared to him. After all, you were just getting off in the privacy of your own room. Your dad was the one standing out in the hallway jerking off!"

A new thought made Melissa laugh out loud. "Can – can you imagine if Brad had come out of his room to go to the bathroom then and seen him?"

Stephanie chortled at the image, recovering a bit from her previous embarrassment.

"Your poor dad," Melissa went on. "It's your fault, you know, teasing him like that when we got out of the bathroom and then coming in here and orgasming like crazy, all the time screaming about how much you want to fuck him! I bet the only reason the poor guy had to squirt his stuff on the rug was `cause I'm here. How much you want to bet that if you'd been alone, he'd have been in here shoving that big prick inside you faster than you could blink!"

"Oh, God! You think so?" Stephanie asked, her voice grown strangely husky. She began to squirm in the bed, pressing her slim thighs against each other in blatant response to her arousal.

"Well, duh, Steph!" Melissa shook her head mockingly. "Shit! I've never seen two people who want to have sex with each other more than you and your dad! I don't understand why you don't just get up and march into his room right now and demand it – you know damned well he wants you just as much!"

"Oh, Mel," whispered her slender friend, "I really want to – I do! But I'm just too chicken, okay? Don't bug me about it – I'll figure out how to make it happen, all right?"

Melissa smiled tenderly, "Okay, my lover. I'm not trying to make you feel bad, really I'm not. I just can tell it's something you both want real bad, and I can't see why you don't just do it. But whenever and however you want is okay with me. I promise."

Stephanie threw an arm around her plump friend's neck and kissed her soundly and wetly, pushing her tongue firmly into Melissa's waiting mouth. The kiss went on for some moments.

Finally, Melissa reluctantly broke away when a cool sensation on her fingers made her remember the sample of Mr. Muller's ejaculation she was still carrying. "You're welcome," she said with a smile, a little breathlessly. "Now what am I supposed to do with Daddy's sperm here? Do you want to taste it again? After all, if you're going to be having sex with him from now on, you'd better start getting used to the taste." She proffered the slimy fingers to Stephanie's lips.

"Yeah!" whispered her friend, her eyes wide, "No! Wait – I've got a better idea."

She paused, and Melissa looked at her with raised eyebrows and waited expectantly.

Stephanie swallowed hard, then blurted, "I want it inside me. Put your fingers inside me again!"

"Really?" Melissa asked with raised eyebrows then grinned wickedly. "Geez, that'd almost be like him fucking you, wouldn't it? I mean you'd have his come inside you, huh?"

"Yeah," replied Stephanie meaningfully, her voice husky with arousal. She parted her legs, exposing her pubescent cunt fully, the lips puffy and glistening between the fringe of long black hair. "Do it, Mel!" she commanded. "Fuck me! Put my daddy's sperm inside me!" She squirmed impatiently, unable to contain her incestuous desire.

Melissa felt her own pussy juices start to ooze with renewed intensity at the sight of her young lover's unabashed wantonness. With a smoldering gaze, she slid up next to Stephanie's slender body and cradled her head. Gently lowering her lips towards her friend's face, she whispered throatily, "Okay, then. Here comes Daddy!"

Melissa placed three semen-coated fingers firmly against Stephanie's cunt hole and pushed, none too gently. However, between the slickness of Mr. Muller's come and the slipperiness of the already sopping cunt, Melissa's fingers slid into Stephanie's virgin hole with almost no resistance. Melissa easily buried her three fingers all the way to her palm, causing her desperately aroused friend to gasp and then moan loudly.

"Oh, God! Yes!" Stephanie groaned. "Just like that. Do it, Mel! Fuck me! Fuck me hard! Make it feel like Daddy fucking me!"

Melissa hardly needed additional encouragement. She pressed her soft, full lips against Stephanie's and kissed her long and hard, slipping her tongue teasingly in and out of her girlfriend's invitingly open mouth. At the same time, she began plunging her fingers into Stephanie's slimy cunt hole with abandon, thrusting rhythmically.

"Haaagghhhh!" cried Stephanie, breaking off their lewd French kiss. "Oh, shit, that feels so fucking good! Huuuunggggghhh! Oh, God! Oh, God damn! Yes! Fuck me, Mel! Fuck me with your big cock! Fill me up with your come!"

Melissa could hardly believe what she was hearing from her new lover's lips. Stephanie appeared to be actually fantasizing that Melissa was a man fucking her. Struck with inspiration, Melissa shifted her body gradually while continuing to ravage her twelve-year-old friend's yearning pussy with her deeply penetrating fingers. She worked her plump form up on top of Stephanie, carefully keeping her hand in position below her as she did. Finally, she managed to work her way in between her dark-haired friend's slim thighs.

Stephanie parted her legs widely to accommodate her red-haired lover, and obligingly wrapped them around Melissa's large, soft buttocks, digging her heels into the ample flesh and pulling Melissa in towards her. Melissa was delighted at the turn their mutual fantasy had taken and pressed her own needy cunt tightly into Stephanie's with each new thrust of her hand. To her joy, she found that she was able to make solid contact between her own turgid clit and the base of her palm every time Stephanie pulled them together with her entwining legs. She gave herself over completely to the fantasy and pictured herself as a very horny boy with a cock straining between her legs, thrusting into the welcoming pussy of his young girl lover.

"Oh, yeah, Steph," she grunted through the obscene exertions, "You like me to fuck you, don't you? Tell me you like me to fuck you!" She gave a particularly vicious plunge with her massed fingers, penetrating her classmate's drenched cunt hole so deeply that she could feel the hard knot of Stephanie's cervix. She wriggled her fingers for emphasis, eliciting a cry of pure lust from deep within her lover's breast.

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! Huhhggghhh! Huhhggghhhh!   Huhggghh!" Stephanie could only pant incoherently.

"Tell me!" Melissa persisted. "Tell me you want me to fuck you. Tell me you want me to fuck you and make you come all over my big, hard, cock!"

Stephanie was obviously on the verge of coming and could only manage to issue animalistic grunts between her desperate gasps. But she continued to dig her heels into Melissa's ass as hard as she could, forcing her larger friend's fingers ever more deeply into her tightly stretched vaginal cavity.

Melissa felt the first stirrings of her own orgasm beginning to build within her, but she was caught up in the fantasy of being a boy fucking his young girlfriend and was determined to make Stephanie admit how much she wanted to be fucked again. Up to that point, she had been using her first three fingers to penetrate her friend's virgin twat. Now, almost without thinking, she moved her little finger up to join the other fingers and shoved the whole mass as hard as she could up inside Stephanie's tightly distended cunt hole. She thrust her own pelvis savagely down into her twelve-year-old friend's, forcing the bunched fingers of her hand cruelly into the impossibly stretched opening.

This was too much for Stephanie's lust ravaged body. A piercing shriek burst from her lips that sounded more like a berserk steam whistle than anything human, and the dark-haired young girl's body began convulsing wildly despite being pinioned completely under the weight of her larger friend's body. Her eyes rolled back in her head, and her arms flailed and twitched as Melissa watched her seventh-grade lover's orgasmic spasms in concerned fascination.

Melissa had completely abandoned her attempts to continue thrusting her bunched fingers in and out of Stephanie's pussy and simply held them in place, tightly wedged as they were, while the smaller girl writhed and screamed beneath her. Melissa realized that they were again making enough noise to wake everyone else in the house and thought briefly about trying to muffle Stephanie's shrieking with her free hand. But she was honestly worried about the intensity of the orgasm her friend appeared to be experiencing. She had never seen anything quite like it before and was genuinely worried that Stephanie might not be getting enough air to breathe.

She realized with a guilty start that her weight might be contributing to her friend's possible distress, so she rolled off of Stephanie's thin, twitching body as quickly as she could, her fingers pulling out of the dark-haired girl's cunt hole in the process with a sucking sound that was clearly audible even over the young girl's incessant shrieks.

The minute Melissa's four fingers slid free, it was like a plug had been pulled. Stephanie immediately stopped shrieking, and her body's spasmodic convulsions abated to the more normal level Melissa had come to associate with her friend's orgasms. Stephanie gasped for breath raggedly, but she no longer sounded as if she were in serious danger of hyperventilating. Melissa allowed a soft sigh of relief to escape her lips; she hadn't fully realized just how alarmed she'd been by her young lover's unexpected reaction. Stephanie's breathing gradually subsided, though she still hadn't opened her eyes.

Just then, there was a soft rap at their door.

"Are you all right in there?" Mr. Muller's voice inquired in a strange tone.

"Uh, yeah," Melissa responded, after a quick look at the man's semi-conscious daughter on the bed beside her. Stephanie lay motionless beside her, her eyes closed, breathing softly and apparently unaware of the interruption from outside the room. Realizing with sudden consternation that they were both completely naked on the bed should Mr. Muller decide to open the door, she quickly pulled the sheet up over them.

"Yeah, we're fine, Mr. Muller," Melissa went on, not knowing what to say. "We were just – uh, you know, well, we were - well, we're okay!" she blurted at last, feeling wretched about her inability to keep as cool as her friend was in a tight spot.

Now Mr. Muller did open the door and poke his head in, a dubious look on his face. He seemed disappointed to find their bodies covered with the bed sheet. Melissa didn't know what to say, so she said nothing, simply looking back at Stephanie's father. An awkward moment passed in silence until, to Melissa's great relief, she felt Stephanie stir next to her. She nudged her friend perhaps more sharply than was strictly necessary. Stephanie opened her eyes and looked at Melissa with dull curiosity.

"Your Dad's here," Melissa said in a low voice.

Stephanie turned her head and saw her father, who had stepped completely into the room. He still was wearing only the thin cotton boxer shorts the girls had seen him in outside the bathroom earlier, and Melissa gulped as she saw that his huge prick was partially swollen and straining against the single button which held the fly closed.

"Oh, hi, Daddy," Stephanie murmured in a dreamlike voice, raising her head slightly off the pillow. Her eyes were heavy lidded and her motions extremely slow, as if she were moving under water.

"Hi, baby," Mr. Muller said softly. "I heard you screaming. Are you okay?" His eyes wandered freely over the forms of the two twelve-year-old girl's bodies outlined under the thin sheet. Melissa saw the bulge in the front of his shorts twitch, and she suddenly felt very vulnerable.

Stephanie appeared not to notice, and said languidly, "I'm fine, Daddy." There was a long pause, and the dark-haired girl's eyelids drooped. "I'm gonna' go back to sleep now, `kay?" Without waiting for an answer, she dropped her head to the pillow and closed her eyes.

"Sure, sweetheart," her father whispered, and Melissa saw an expression that was a curious mix of tenderness and incestuous lust pass over the man's face as he looked down at his preteen daughter. "Get some sleep."

He bent down and kissed the slender nape of Stephanie's exposed neck, a lingering kiss with glistening, parted lips. As he raised his head, his eyes met Melissa's. For one long moment, they looked at each other and for one terrifying, thrilling moment, Melissa was sure the older man was going to get into bed with them. Her heart began to pound in her young chest. She wasn't sure what she would do if he tried. To her amazement, she realized that part of her actually wanted him to try. She froze, scarcely daring to breathe while Stephanie's father bored into her eyes with his gaze.

But at last, he simply raised his eyebrows and said pointedly, "Maybe we can all get some sleep now."

Melissa felt herself blushing fiercely. At that moment, the unmistakable rhythmic creak of bedsprings was audible through the wall separating Brad's room. A droll look spread over Mr. Muller's face and his eyes crinkled. He shook his head and muttered, "Or maybe not." It seemed to Melissa that he was trying very hard not to laugh.

Without another word, he padded back out of the room and pulled the door closed behind him.

Stephanie was snoring softly even before her father had reached the door.

Melissa lay beside her slender young friend, waiting for the thudding in her heart to subside and trying to figure out what had just happened. Despite her relative innocence and inexperience, she understood that something significant had occurred, and she turned over all the recent interactions with Mr. Muller in her mind. Suddenly, the bottom dropped out of her stomach as she realized what it was her subconscious had been screaming at her: Could Mr. Muller actually have begun to be interested in her sexually? As a woman and not just his daughter's friend?

With comprehension, her heart began to hammer against her ribs all over again. So that was why his look just now unnerved her so. Last night at the dinner table, he'd only had eyes for his daughter, but somehow the older man had noticed something about Melissa since then. The kiss! Their kiss last night, the one that seemed to go on and on, the one where she'd gotten so turned on that she'd actually let him caress her tits! No wonder, she realized with a rueful chuckle. And then the way that she and Stephanie had been carrying on all night and all morning, waking everyone up in the house with their incessant orgasmic screaming - if she'd been deliberately trying to seduce the man, she couldn't have done a better job of getting his attention!

Now that she knew how things stood, she still had to figure out how she felt about that. Did she seriously want to consider having sex with her best friend's father? She knew she ought to be disgusted at the thought, and a part of her realized dimly that she would have been even twenty-four hours earlier.

But that was before she'd decided that she wanted her own brother to fuck her, before letting Brad basically finger-fuck her while Mr. Muller was in the room, and definitely before she'd let herself be drawn into the intensely erotic incestuous scene between Stephanie and her father, into kissing him herself and letting him fondle her breast. When she thought a minute ago that the man was actually going to get into bed with her, she'd felt terrified.

Or had she? Was it terror, or excitement? She honestly couldn't say. The thought of trying to take that enormous cock of his into her virgin pussy was definitely scary. But on the other hand she'd been trying to encourage her best friend, who was a whole lot smaller than she, to do precisely that. Hadn't she been able to fit an entire bar of bath soap into her own cunt without any physical discomfort?

Melissa pondered her feelings for a long time while Stephanie slept curled up beside her, her breathing soft and even as she drifted in heavy, dreamless sleep. After a while, Melissa concluded that it wasn't the idea of the physical act of fucking Mr. Muller that disturbed her so. One of the things bothering her was that Mr. Muller was a full-grown man – a grownup who seemed to want her in a very grownup way. Somehow, the thought of fucking her brother Keith didn't seem as serious and scary, and messing around with Brad, even to the point of letting him fuck her felt more like playing than anything really significant.

But once she actually let an adult man make love to her, once she actually let his huge cock penetrate her, there was no going back. She would never be an innocent young girl again. She didn't understand why it should make such a difference, but it did.

Even more to the point, Melissa realized that her conscience had been twitting her for even thinking about fucking Stephanie's father, let alone seriously considering allowing it to happen, when she knew how desperately her best friend wanted her father. She knew without a doubt that Stephanie would be crushed and betrayed beyond all hope of reconciliation if Melissa somehow "arranged" to be the first one to fuck Mr. Muller.

Melissa decided she could definitely wait until her young friend had lost her virginity to her father before she made any serious moves toward the man herself. In the meantime, the plump seventh grader resolved to make sure she managed to get Keith's cock inside her eager cunt hole before Stephanie did. Maybe Brad too, she thought with a mischievous grin. But Keith first; definitely Keith first. Brad would just have to wait his turn.

Melissa could not believe what a slut she had turned into over the past twenty-four hours. A day before, the most she'd been doing was masturbating while thinking obscene but vague thoughts about her best friend's brother. Now she was not only making detailed plans to fuck Brad, but her own brother and her best friend's father. Not to mention that she'd spent the entire night in one lewd and erotic situation after another with everyone from her brother and her mother to Brad, Stephanie, and even Stephanie's father. The memory of all she had experienced was making her head spin.

It was also making her young cunt very, very wet.

Melissa desperately wanted to finger herself into several badly needed orgasms right then and there, but she had been spooked enough by Stephanie's convulsive and subsequently near-comatose reaction to their last round of lovemaking that she didn't dare risk disturbing her. Besides, Mr. Muller had made a specific point about wanting some quiet.

Still, Melissa realized, despite all the morning's obscene activities, Stephanie had been the only one who'd actually climaxed. Her own pussy was throbbing, nearly aching with desire, and all she could do was lay there in growing frustration.

She glanced at the clock on the nightstand and saw that it was already half-past nine. Maybe she could risk getting up and taking a bath while Stephanie and her family slept. At least in there she could make herself come a couple of times in peace and take some of the edge off her overwhelming lust.

She slid her body away from the slender form of her sleeping friend (and lover now, Melissa remembered with a tender smile) and eased quietly out of the bed. She stood and smoothed the thin, bright green material of the short and very revealing nightie her mother had so unexpectedly provided for her down over her full body. She caught her reflection in Stephanie's dresser mirror, and was taken aback by how much older, sexier, and downright dangerous the green nightie made her look. It cupped her full, smooth breasts, her hardened nipples clearly visible, and the garment descended over her ample tummy and rapidly developing hips, hugging her form in sensuous invitation.

Whew, she thought to herself! Maybe I'm more ready to start fucking than I realized. The realization gave her a flush of pride – and a deliciously erotic tingle between her legs. She hurried out of the room to the bathroom, though she couldn't resist practicing a few glances she hoped were both mysterious and erotically inviting. She couldn't wait for Stephanie to wake up so she could try them out and get her friend's reaction and advice.

She tiptoed down the hall, careful not to disturb the presumably sleeping Brad and Mr. Muller, though she felt a slight pang of disappointment when neither of them stirred. She felt so aroused and sexually desirable that she passionately wanted to be seen and desired. Once again, the transformation in her attitudes during the past day caused her to shake her head in wonder and bemusement. Here she was wearing a flimsy camisole that she would have been completely mortified to be seen in by anyone just a day ago, and now she was annoyed that an eighth-grade boy and his grown father weren't around to ogle her.

Still smiling at herself, she entered the bathroom. She pulled the door around and was about to reflexively pull it tightly shut and lock it, when she remembered what Stephanie had said about sometimes leaving her door open a crack to give her brother and father a peek at her. Feeling very daring, though she felt her cheeks burn as she did, she deliberately pulled the door so that it was just a hair short of touching the jamb.

There, she thought. Maybe Brad – or Mr. Muller (and that thought really did make her blush) – wouldn't notice that she was in the tub and barge right in. She felt her knees go rubbery as she drifted into that fantasy, and quickly decided that perhaps she'd better get in the bath right away. She turned on and adjusted the tap, set the stopper, and climbed into the tub.

Her fingers were frantically sliding back and forth over her desperately swollen clit even before she had fully reclined into the rising hot water.


Two blocks away, the morning sun filtered into an upstairs bedroom where two figures lay entwined lewdly amid oil-stained sheets. The light gleamed off Margaret Randall's thick, coppery hair and illuminated the smooth cheek of her son as he lay in her arms, his face nuzzled into her large, naked breasts. The boy still slept, but his mother had been awake for hours, gazing down at the form of her oldest child, replaying the events of the previous night over and over in her mind. The expression on her face as she looked at Keith was a strange mixture of tender devotion, smoldering lust, and desperate fear.

I slept with my son, she kept saying over and over in her mind. I slept with my own son. I sucked his cock. I swallowed his come. I let him touch my cunt and shove his fingers up my ass. I let him make me come. What's he going to think of me when he wakes up? I know we talked about it, how he shouldn't feel bad or perverted or weird, but what if he doesn't feel the same way this morning.

She knew she was supposed to feel overcome with guilt and shame at what she had done. `Normal' people would be horrified at a mother who seduced her own son. But strangely, she didn't feel guilty or ashamed in the slightest. The memories of the way Keith had touched her, the way they had shared each other's secret fantasies, the way he'd filled her cunt and ass with his fingers while she swallowed his hard young cock all the way down her throat, and the delight he'd shown when she shared the mouthful of his come with him – all those beautifully erotic memories filled her mind with a warm, loving glow that she knew she would treasure the rest of her life.

No, it was only the awful dread that her son would somehow regret their incestuous intimacy and turn away from her in horror and disgust that left a cold, hard knot in the pit of her stomach. And, she finally admitted to herself, it was the terrible fear that she would never again be able to feel Keith's smooth skin against her naked body, the touch of his fingers inside her cunt and ass and taste the silky steel of his erect prick in her mouth; that was what was most unbearable.

So it was that she had lain awake for hours, since the first light peeped through the blinds, watching her son sleep, wanting nothing more than to rouse him and beg him to make love to her, to touch her everywhere, to slide his firm cock deeply into her cunt, completing what they'd started. But she was frozen, terrified that when he awoke, he would start in shock and contempt, fleeing from her presence, wounding her more deeply than she'd ever known possible.

Keith stirred slightly and murmured something unintelligible before relaxing into Margaret's soft body once more. Margaret pulled him close and impulsively slid her plump thigh over his hip...then froze

Yesmania Thanos

76 Blog posting
