Kheper Games’ What The F*ck? Reaches 1 Million Milestone

SEATTLE—Kheper Games officials announced their ground-breaking line of What the F*ck? party games has just hit the 1 million sold milestone.

“We are f*cking thrilled to have hit our millionth f*cking game sold!” said CEO Brian Pellham. “1,000,000 f*cking thank yous to our wonderful customers and f*cking fans who have made this achievement f*cking possible!”

All What the F*ck? games will now ship out with a sticker announcing “1,000,000 F*cking Games Sold.”

The original What the F*ck? game was first launched in 2003 and asks players to answer questions such as “What would you find more annoying?  a) listening to Christmas carolers sing Jingle Bells all day or b) a phone that never stops ringing.”  

Game play is simple: You ask someone a question and the other players use A/B coins to vote on what they think the player will answer. If you’re incorrect, you take a one, two or three drinking penalty depending on the outrageousness of the question.

What the F*ck? was such a big hit, that it quickly spawned off two additional versions of the same game play style: What The F*ck? Raunchy Version and What the F*ck? Totally F*cked Up Version. The Raunchy Version is more crude and sexual and the Totally F*cked Up Version is bizarre and ridiculous in it’s content. There also is What the F*ck? Bar Cards, that is a travel version of the game.

What the F*ck? also expanded in recent years to become a brand that is all about f*cking outrageous questions and content. There is What the F*ck? I Never, which offers f*cking crazy I Never-style questions. Players take a drink if they have done the action. Sample statements include “I have never screamed at a farm animal” and “I have never done push ups naked.”

What the F*ck? Truth or Dare offers topic stick style game play. Each stick has a f*cking personal question on one side and a f*cking outrageous dare on the other side. A sample truth question is “What other player of this game would you most want to have a gay experience with and why?” A sample dare is “Let other players fling mayonnaise (or other condiments) at you as if you are in the center of a bukkake circle.”

The newest and current best selling What the F*ck? game is What the F*ck? Filthy Questions. It is the game where you write and submit your most f*cked up answers to f*cked up questions. The person who is asked the question picks their favorite answer and the player who wrote this one, wins a point. Sample questions include “If your genitals could talk, what would they say to embarrass you?” and “If I had a talking mirror, what’s the bitchiest thing it might say?”

For more details on What the F*ck? games by Kheper Games, Inc., please contact or call (877) 426-3755 (outside of the U.S. call +1-206-782-2201.

Kheper Games is also up for the StorErotica Adult Games/Gag Gifts Company of the Year award.


Kendra Massive

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