
Sue Next Door - Another Treatment

Another Treatment

I was about to leave for a Day shift at the plant. Before I went, however, it had become my custom to check in on Sue to see that she was OK and to find out if there was anything that she needed. So, I gave her a quick call on the phone. She answered on the third ring and sounded a little sleepy: "Hello?"

"Sue, it's me. I'm off for work. Is there anything that you need before I go or anything that I can get for you when I come back?"

She wasn't completely awake yet. I waited for her to gather her thoughts until: "No, just a little groggy from that pain pill. Oh wait, can you get some paper towels? I'm almost out."

I told her that I had about five rolls in the under the counter storage: "Are 'XYZ' brand ok?"

Sue: "That would be fine. What time will you be back?"

Me: "I get off around four, so I should be here by four-thirty or so."

She told me to come right over when I get home. She planned to make some dinner and invited me to eat with her. Being a reluctant (and awful) cook, I readily accepted. "Just come right in, you have the key."

I told her that I would bring up her mail (it gets delivered around two) and some paper towels: "Can I bring anything else? Wine or something?"

"No. I need to stay off the alcohol while I'm taking the pain pills. Just bring yourself and an appetite."

We rang off. I grabbed a couple of rolls of paper towels from under the counter and headed off to work. It dawned on me that I could have tossed a roll over to her side of the balcony. Unfortunately, I didn't think of that until I was about half-way to the plant. I stopped, as usual, at the diner for coffee, pastry and an ogle at Tina; but, she wasn't there. Disappointed. I went on in to work and immediately got busy. The day went along and it was soon lunch time. We made our usual call out for delivery at the local sub shop and, very soon, the afternoon started to drag on.

My relief arrived on time at three thirty and we took about ten minutes for a turnover. Once he had the shift, I took a quick shower, put on some clean underwear and sox and headed out through security towards home. I was about ten minutes ahead of my usual time so I decided to stop and get a surprise for Sue. Ice cream! The local (hand packed) ice cream parlor was on my way, so I stopped. Knowing that her favorite was either chocolate or coffee I ordered two large cups half-and-half of each. I had them put sprinkles on one (hers) I don't care for the 'jimmies'.

I parked, grabbed the treats and the two rolls of paper towels and was soon realizing that my inventory of hands was a little inadequate for retrieving the mail out of my mailbox and hers. I managed to collect everything, unlock her door and announce myself before climbing up her stairs. Sue was in the kitchen when I got up to her apartment. I put the mail on the kitchen table and presented her with the two rolls of paper towels while keeping the ice cream hidden behind my back. Sue happily accepted the towels and looked a little suspiciously at me standing there grinning with one hand behind my back.

"What are you hiding?"

I brought the cardboard carrier around letting her see the ice cream containers: "Desert."

"You didn't have to, but thank you". She moved close to me giving me a little kiss. Not a big wet sloppy kiss, a neat little kiss. I was happy, too.

The kitchen smelled decidedly Italian. I could see spaghetti gravy simmering on the stove along with a big pot of some pasta boiling away on the back burner. Yes, in New Jersey we call it spaghetti 'gravy'. I put the desert into the freezer compartment while Sue busied herself stirring the pasta. A quick peek told me that we were going to have Ziti. I was happier; that is, until I finally noticed that Sue was wearing a loose fitting pair of pajama shorts and one of her wife beater shirts. And the cast, of course, the big cast on her leg was still there. But she looked really good standing there. Try as I may, I couldn't tell if she had any underwear on under those shorts, but the lack of a bra was obvious. Now I was really really happy.

The table was already set. Sue told me to go wash my hands and 'sit up' at the table. Obediently, I headed into the bathroom, washed my hands and returned to the table. By then, she had drained the pasta, added the gravy and put the big bowl in the middle of the table. She took two small salads out of the fridge along with a bottle of dressing (Italian, of course). The jar of Parmesan cheese made the meal complete. We were soon sitting together enjoying a nice, home cooked meal. When we were finished I offered to do the dishes: "You've probably been standing on that leg a little too long."

Sue was happy to accept: "Thank you, but I've been sitting a lot too."

Does that mean? Does that mean? "Do you want me to put that cream on you again?"

"Would you mind?"

Would I mind? Is she serious? Does she think that rubbing some cream on her bare ass is something that I would prefer not to do? "Not at all. How about after I clean up in here? Just go put the news on and lay on your tummy until I finish, ok?"

Sue disappeared into the living room while I busied myself in the kitchen. Italian food is great. It's nutritious, filling and hard to clean up. It took a while to get through the dishes. There was enough left over for another meal. I put the leftovers into appropriate containers for the fridge. Once all the dishes were done, I did a last minute inspection of the kitchen area to ensure a good job. I have pretty low standards so I looked again. After a few tweaks I was satisfied. Now for that ass rub!

I went into the living room to see Sue, as expected, laying on her front watching the TV. She had her chest on one pillow and her head on two. She looked really good laying there, even with that big ugly cast on her leg. I lifted her feet and sat on the couch putting her calves and feet over my lap. I started rubbing her ankles and lower calf which caused her to moan a little: "Oh, that feels so good."

I told her to relax and enjoy it while we watched the news program. Meanwhile, I tried to peek up the legs of her shorts to see if she was, in fact, wearing any underwear. I moved her feet a few times (hoping that she would think that I was just getting a better position for the rub) but was unable to answer the question. I finally gave up and paid attention to the news with particular attention to the weather. I was never happy driving in bad weather but the forecast was for mild and dry days for about a week. Good enough!

When the news was over, I asked: "Where is that cream?"

"Oh, that stuff for my butt? It's probably still on my night table."

I asked: "Do you want me to put it on here or on your bed?" Hoping that she would opt for the sheets over the couch.

"Let's go inside, if you don't mind."

Is she that naïve? First she asks if I would mind rubbing some cream on her naked ass, then she isn't sure if I would want to do that with her laying on her bed! "Your bed would be ok. Besides, I wouldn't want to get anything on your couch."

She agreed and I was soon following her fine butt down the hall to her bedroom. Sue stood by the bed while I retrieved the medicated cream from the dresser; it wasn't on the nightstand. I waited for her to see what was next. Without hesitation, she slid her shorts down over the cast and stepped out of them. Sure enough, she wasn't wearing anything underneath! Now I understood why I couldn't see any underwear.

I offered her my hand as she put herself down onto the bed. Man, she looked good. Her nipples were making beautiful little dents in her shirt and her pussy was looking delicious. As soon as she was laying down, she rolled over onto her front giving me enough room to sit down on the bed next to her. There was enough light in the room for me to see that there were still some angry looking red spots on the cheeks of her ass. I opened the cream and applied a few dabs directly to the irritated areas. Using just the tips of my fingers I started to spread the cream around. I didn't want to push too hard for fear of causing her additional discomfort. Eventually I had the cream distributed over most of her butt cheeks and was able to apply my palm to continue the massage.

"Mmmmm that really feels good."

My thoughts exactly: "That's good, there are still some places that show some irritation. But, it looks to me that there has been some improvement from the last time. Are you just as sore or is it getting any better?"

Sue turned her head to the side facing me: "A little better, I think. But, this really feels good."

"How about your back and good leg? Want me to put something on them, too?"

"Would you mind? I was hoping that you might."

I looked around the bedroom: "Where's the skin cream?"

Sue pushed herself up onto her elbows: "Top dresser drawer, I think."

I put the cap back on the medicated cream before placing it onto the dresser. There were two top drawers on her dresser. I tried the one on the left. Nope, just some perfume, some lubricant and a nice big vibrator. Holy shit!

I slid that drawer back closed. The one on the right had the skin lotion. I was soon back sitting on the bed rubbing the skin lotion on her back and her one good leg. More moans and more rubbing soon had Sue back in that dreamy state where her voice is soft and sexy. I couldn't keep my eyes off her fine ass and was rewarded with the occasional view between her cheeks at her cute little pucker. I was hoping to relax her but really hoped that she wouldn't fall asleep. Which did happen; but, that's another story.

Eventually her back and leg looked appropriately massaged. She was just a little bit shiny laying there with the skin lotion all over her. I started to use just the tips of my fingers across her shoulders and lower back. She really seemed to like that. I kept at that for a little while until: "I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom. Can you help me to get up?"

Without a word, I stood and offered my hand. She took it and I quickly had her back on her feet. She was totally naked, standing there in front of me. She had to piss and, when I thought about it, so did I. I let her go first. As she limped toward her bedroom door: "Can I have the rest of the treatment when I get back?"

"You can have anything that you want when you get back."

She seemed to like that answer and tramped off to the bathroom. Meanwhile, I just stood there trying to figure out what she meant by 'rest of the treatment'. Hopefully she wanted sex. But she might just want more massage. Decisions!

She was soon on her way back. I met her near the door and escorted her back to the bed. I helped her back down again and, after she was comfortable, I excused myself explaining that: "I have to go, too." Sue giggled a little before: "Don't come back with any clothes on."

Oh wow! It was going to be sex!

I pissed in record time. Washed my hands and stripped off. I returned carrying all my clothes, putting them on the seat of the chair by the window. Sue was laying on her back smiling at me: "What's your pleasure?"

I told her that I would like to visit the 'girls' for a little while. Then, if she was willing, I would like to try my best to get her 'off' before giving her a thorough (but gentle) fucking. She seemed to like my plan and indicated her acceptance by holding her arms out to me while she spread her legs a little (actually, she only moved the good one, the one in the cast was fairly immobile).

I promptly put myself down onto the bed next to her and applied a little of the skin lotion directly to her perky tits. Her nipples were already quite stiff and she seemed to enjoy the attention. Once I had the lotion fairly well rubbed in, I began to nuzzle and lick her sweet areolas. Sue let me know that she appreciated the attention but seemed a little anxious for me to pay attention to the Southern portion of her anatomy. I was only too glad to accommodate.

I lifted her good leg while moving it to the side. I didn't want to make her uncomfortable but, I needed a little room to work. I kissed my way down her front eventually reaching her neatly trimmed pussy. Her aroma was intoxicating and I was soon applying gentle kisses and licks to her moistening womanhood. Sue put her hands onto my temples, as she had previously done, and held on while I went deeper and deeper into her femininity. She was soon rocking her hips while I was mostly sucking on her clit. I had one hand under her butt with a finger of the other hand deep inside her pussy. It didn't take very long before Sue was moaning and thrusting herself against my face. I could feel her throbbing on my finger.

I let her ride out her orgasm until she was calm again. She encouraged me to come up to her face and greeted me with a big sloppy kiss. I'm sure that she could taste herself on me and she seemed to enjoy the sensation. I held her close for a few seconds before she rolled to her side, bad leg down, and thrust her butt back at my groin: "Now, I want you inside me now." I immediately complied.

Centering my stiff cock on her extremely damp opening, I pushed in more than half way on the first thrust. One more pump had me seated all the way inside her with her freshly rubbed ass cheeks pressed back against my loins. This was fantastic. I reached around her parting her pussy lips with my fingers and started to gently rub her clit as I pistoned myself in her vagina. I kept up both activities until I noticed that she was responding with a new vigor that surprised me. Sue was really getting into the fucking and let me know with increasingly urgent thrusting of her hips.

She went over the edge about ten seconds before I did. We were cumming together and it was glorious. I delivered a substantial load as deep as I could get and Sue seemed to milk my cock with her inside muscles. It took a while for the throbbing to stop after which we just stayed in the same position until my cock softened and fell out of her. I eased her over onto her back and kissed her. She kissed back and snuggled herself up against me: "I wasn't expecting the second one."

I smiled: "I aim to please."

We were quiet for a few more minutes just enjoying the 'afterglow'. I was actually starting to doze off when she said: "So, you found big Jim, huh?"

Confused, I said: "Who?"

"Big Jim. My plastic boyfriend in the top dresser drawer."

I understood that to mean the vibrator that I saw earlier: "Yes, I didn't mean to snoop."

Sue: "Well, it's a poor substitute for your services. Would you like to use it on me?"

Wow! What an invitation: "Sure, anything that you want."

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